My coaching practice draws on 10 years experience working in leadership recruitment and HR consulting and is fueled by my unwavering passion for nurturing awareness and growth. I dance with intuition and mindfulness, attuning myself to clients’ individual needs. With each step we take, I provide practical support rooted in the soil of real-world experience and industry knowledge. Together, we'll cultivate a fertile ground where your aspirations take root and bloom into magnificent fruits.
Over millions of years, our mother earth has been through constant transformations. From the rhythmic dance of changing seasons to the captivating ebb and flow of tides, and the remarkable cycles of regeneration in nature. Like our ever-evolving planet, we too are shaped by the winds of change, adapting and evolving as an integral part of our existence. It is in our DNA that humans possess an innate yearning for personal and collective growth.
As a Transformational Coach, I work with individuals and businesses towards not just surviving, but thriving amidst the ever-shifting tides of change. By delving deep into the core of their being, I assist them in unravelling who they are, why they think and behave in certain ways and finding their own power within. Together, we unlock profound self-awareness, paving the way for growth, resilience, and path towards fulfilment.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. — Buckminster Fuller